Today was my day off! Highlights included sleeping in until 10:00, going to a cool Korean restaurant for lunch (and being given a fork along with the other two white RAs I was with, while the Chinese one was given chopsticks), grocery shopping at a Korean/Mexican market (it was just as weird as it sounds), watching Spirited Away, eating a delicious homemade Chinese dinner, and generally relaxing in the air conditioning and away from kids. When I got back I found a note slipped under my door:
Dear Caroline,
Hello! *wave arms* We missed you. Hope you're feeling better and you enjoyed your day off. It's really hot. And not in a good way. Please use your god-like powers to make it 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
(And then it was signed by the cool girls on the hall, not the ridiculous ones)
This note made me sort of sad, because I think my frustration with my bad girls has made me more apathetic towards my awesome ones. So for the remaining four days of camp I'm going to try my hardest to be the "hyper RA" I was last session for my girls who deserve it, and not worry about the ones who aren't going to have fun anyway.
CIMRs: 0.0
Thought: I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
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