Ice Cream, Snogging, and Triangles
Today is Friday, which means RA Group Away Day, which means free ice cream for Caroline, yay! It was especially delicious considering that it was in the upper nineties and ridiculously humid today, and I had to walk all the way to the ice cream parlor and back with my whiney girls. The "let's be more efficient" one was especially bad today since the care package she was expecting didn't arrive, and somehow this was my fault. Apparently it contains nineteen pounds (!) of food from her parents, since she simply cannot tolerate the slop we've been giving her.
Friday also means dance night! My girls spent on obscene amount of time getting ready, they started when we got back from our afternoon out at 5:00 and still I had to drag them out of their rooms and away from their eyeliner at 7:00. This was the finished product. I'll leave determining which are the sweet ones and which are the ones I don't like as an exercise for the reader.
The dance was somewhat more stressful than the dances last session, since my kids are older and therefore more difficult. One of them was caught making out with a boy by five different RAs on five separate occasions, so the boy's RA (my brother RA from last session) and I had to pull them aside and have a nice long talk about appropriate behavior. Also, midway through the dance I noticed that about half of them weren't wearing their lanyards, which led to me doing by far the meanest thing I've ever done as an RA. I found the missing lanyards stashed under one of their jackets in the corner and picked them up, then I waited for the next slow song. Once the five girls in question were nestled snuggly into the sweaty chests of their nerds of choice, I struck! I pulled them all off of their confused partners and ceremonially placed the lanyards around their necks. I also noticed that several of the boys were sans lanyard, so I made them go get theirs and put them on too. I then gave the whole group a nice talk about the importance of wearing your lanyard at all times, which unfortunately lasted the duration of the slow song and prevented any further canoodling-in-the-guise-of-dancing. I'm an evil genius!
Let me stress that although some of my girls make me want to strangle them, others are incredibly awesome. For instance, during "highs and lows" at hall meeting tonight the following conversation took place:
Girl A: My high was when we were at the grocery store and I found triangular Triscuits!
Girl B: They make triangular Triscuits?!
Girl A: Yeah! They do! And I bought a box!
Girl C: Wait, wait, what kind of triangles are they? Are they equilateral?
Girl B: Ooh, ooh, are they right triangles? I love right triangles!
Girl A: They're actually sort of scalene...
Girl D: Oh my gosh! I love scalene triangles! They're so delicious!
Where else but here would you find teenage girls talking about their favorite triangles?
CIMRs: 3
Thought: I myself prefer the delicate flavor of isosceles...
Boy, kiddo, you missed an opportunity for a much more devious kind of fun. You should have secretly confiscated the lanyards, monitored the snugging anyway, and let the real sweating happen when they went to retrieve them. Maybe next friday...
Also, I inially thought you were gonna tell us about love triangles. Hah!
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