This morning I woke up waaay more congested than yesterday, so now I sound sort of like a dying frog when I talk. It's totally hot. Thanks to the miracle of modern medicine I actually don't feel too bad, but I'm really not looking forward to facing the last weekend of session without the ability to breath through my nose...
Today was "Orange," and it was pretty awesome. Some of the kids were miffed that what they thought was a special surprise activity was so mundane, but others got really into it. The first group just ate their oranges in the first five minutes and hung out the rest of the time, but the second actually spent the whole time meticulously removing every scrap of pith they could find. The end result was some incredibly orange oranges that were absolutely pith-free, making it hard to judge the winner. But we eventually were able to choose the orangest ofthem all, and award the lucky victor...a bag of oranges.
On a decidedly less awesome note, tonight I saw a parent hit his daughter. It was especially upsetting because she's the girl who lived on my hall last session and is making this session and its annoying girls so much better for me. This session she's a commuter so she gets dropped off every morning at breakfast and picked up after study hall at 9:00, at which time I was outside tonight because I was on night duty. I don't really know why he was upset with her because he was yelling at her in Chinese (maybe because she was a few minutes late?), but in the middle of it he just smacked her in the head and walked off. I really wanted to go get her and take her home with me forever and tell him he doesn't deserve to have a daughter as wonderful as her, but of course I can't do any of that... I'll find her tomorrow and talk to her, but from her lack of reaction I get the impression that this was not an isolated incident. Sometimes I hate people.
CIMRs: 0. Too drugged up to care.
Thought: Cultural relativity my ass, some things are just not cool.
maybe if the girl is ammenable and your schedule permits you can accompay the girl to the car and say you wanted to take the opportunity to say what a pleasure it is, yada-yada. Asians really go for that family honor stuff. And anyway it's true. Then sneeze on the S.O.B.
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