Nerd Camp

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Some Water, Some Pants, and Some Emails

There was a fluke in the scheduled presence assignments for this morning and my name was left out of the first two shift rotations, so I didn't have to go on duty until 10:30! I slept in until 10:00, which was the latest I've slept since I've been here. It was amazing! I forgot how great it feels to get eight full hours of sleep in a night.

This afternoon's activity was water day. We basically gave all the RAs water guns, had massive bins of water balloons available to the kids, had a few water-related activities running, and let the kids run around and go nuts. It was really fun, and everyone was totally soaked by the end. Once my girls got over the shock that we wouldn't let them run around in their bikinis for the afternoon, they actually seemed to have a pretty good time, clothes and all. Unfortunately there are no pictures from it because no one wanted to ruin their camera, but there are a few pictures from right before we tested out the water guns the other day. Take note of how my brother RA's swim shorts are shorter than mine.

Between water day and the evening activity, my parents stopped by to drop of a delicious dinner and some cool accessories for Pirate Day tomorrow. Because they are awesome. It was amazing to have food that wasn't cold and soaked in grease, and now I'll look extra-swarthy for the festivities tomorrow!

Tonight's activity was Movie Night, which is a favorite among the RAs because it means we get to just sit in the back of the room, enjoy the air conditioning, and occasionally break up a couple that's a little too close. Unfortunately the movie I was assigned to was The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, but I sat behind my makeout girl and her little boyfriend from the dance last night so I was able to keep myself pretty well entertained anyway...

I've gotten some more sweet emails from my first session girls, some favorites are:

"I miss everyone soooo much. My mom had some pictures in her camera, and I looked at them, and it made me like feel like crying, because it was pictures of the rooms, the people, you, and also a picture of you during the closing ceremony. It was soooo sad......Luv you lots!!!!"

"o caroline, i miss everyone so much! there is no such thing as an exciting post-cty plan. and i don't have any evil replacement children, even if they're not as cool as we were. you have the next dance coming up! my love, who will do your makeup? what will you wear? they better vote you queen again, or i'll come after them with a stick. i love you!"

"You're best RA I've ever had. (And I've gone to CTY 3 years running now) I really hope your new girls warm up to you. If they don't realize what a great RA you are, then they must be blind...Besides his constant scowl, bad posture and sex hair, you and [your brother RA] were an adorable couple."

Sometimes I wish this camp was one six week long session instead of two three week ones, because then I would still have my original babies instead of these "evil replacement children"...

CIMRs: 1
Thought: Why, when I say "lights out in 5 seconds," do my girls continue to sit and chat in the hallway, and then act surprised when I get annoyed with them for not being in bed on time?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's the scowling, slumping, sex-haired brother RA?

11:52 AM  
Blogger Caroline said...

The same brother RA from all of last session: the one in the short shorts.

12:53 PM  

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