Nerd Camp

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Shiver Me Timbers!

Today was Pirate Day! We all dressed up for the occasion, and a swashbuckling time was had by all. My girls actually weren't that into it because they didn't want to do the scavenger hunt or any of the other activities we had, but they're not really into anything so I wasn't that surprised.

I have two girls on my hall this session who are complete opposites. One is incredibly pessimistic, within about five minutes of meeting her I'd mentally nicknamed her "Eeyore" because everything she says is very depressing. Some examples:

Me: Hi! Welcome to the hall! Come with me and I'll introduce you to the other girls.
Her: They probably don't want to meet me.

Me: (at hall meeting) Time for highs and lows!
Her: I didn't have any highs.

Me: Wow, that's a really nice purse you made in activities. I especially like the glitter.
Her: It's just going to come off in a few days anyway.

Me: writes a note on my hand in pen
Her: You're just going to sweat it off later.

The other is the most optimistic person I've ever met. She always has something positive to say and tries to make the best out of every situation:

Girl A: My low was that I emailed my friend and asked her to call me tonight, but she didn't.
Her: She probably didn't have internet access today! I know my internet at home is pretty bad and doesn't work all the time. I'm sure she'll call you as soon as she gets your message!

Girl B: My low was that I'm kind of homesick but my parents don't want me to call home a lot because it's expensive.
Her: You can use my phone! I have a really good plan and it's practically free!

Girl C: I don't have anything to wear to the dance! Just this stupid skirt that looks really dumb.
Her: No way! That skirt is awesome, you're such a trendsetter! I bet all the kids will be wearing them at the next dance!

I'm glad that they're both on the same hall, because I think the only person who has enough energy and optimism to deal with the first girl is the second one. I think she has started to say less pessimistic things in the week she's been here, so hopefully through the continuing efforts of Optimistic Girl and myself she'll be a happier camper by the end of session.

CIMRs: 1
Thought: Only one weekend left...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww. I was hoping for the other pirate costume.

11:23 PM  
Blogger Caroline said...

What other pirate costume?

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My memory fails me. I thought it was a pirate costume, but maybe it was just ridiculous. That one photo Martini took of you. You had inflatable... something. Shoes?

I guess pirates don't wear inflatable shoes. Don't mind me.

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could pass for Kiera Knightly(Elizabeth Swann) when she's passing for a deck-hand in "Pirates". Shiver MEEE timbers, matie.

6:51 AM  
Blogger Caroline said...

Oh! That pirate costume! I left it in Boston, unfortunately. Sorry!

8:11 AM  

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