Nerd Camp

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Last Saturday!

I knew it couldn't be long before a hall full of 16 year old girls was hit with a healthy dose of...BOY DRAMA! I still don't know exactly what precipitated today's events, all I know is that during the last ten hours I've had girls in tears, girls mad at other girls, girls mad at other boys, and about all I can take of whispering, giving "looks," and complicated "he said, she said..." stories. The end result is that the whirlwind romance of Makeout Girl and Makeout Boy has come to an end at the ripe old age of eight days, and several new boy/girl alliances have been formed. I think the dust has settled for now, and after the longest hall meeting ever my girls are at least all cool with each other, if not all the boys who were involved. I miss my twelve year olds...

Aside from being Gossip And Be A Bitch Day, today was also Casino/Carnival Day and Auction night. The Casino/Carnival was not as much fun as less session, because my girls were being ridiculous and the administration, in its infinite wisdom, decided that having the kids send compliments or hug-grams to other RAs is "sexual harassment" and having them get RA-tattoos/chant RA names/write RA raps is "hazing." Thus the extent of things we could pay kids to do was pretty limited, considering a person can only drink so many cups of water or use so many tissues. I did get a neat sign for my door and some nice pipecleaner bling, though. The auction afterwards was a real ego boost, since the item I was selling (cookies, milk and a bedtime story) sold for the highest amount and the hall that won "pick your RA for a day" wasted no time picking me. It's nice to know that even if my kids are apathetic, other kids think I'm cool.

Also in the coolness department, remember when I offered Teen Girl Squad!!! watching as an activity a few days ago? Earlier that morning I practiced hooking my laptop up to the TV to make sure there would be no unexpected surprises during the actual activity, and to test that I had done it properly I played the first movie from my videos folder, the 2004 EaST camPUS I3 video. One of the (cool) administrators happened to walk in as it was playing, and she thought it was just about the best thing ever. So tonight after lights out she made me bring my laptop down to the office and show it, and the 2005 video, to a bunch of the other admins and all the RAs that were in the room. I got several requests to come live with me and many promises of visits during IAP, but best of all now everyone is walking around singing the "Oh, East Campus" song. It's actually kind of surreal.

CIMRs: 2
Thought: Almost Monday, almost Monday, almost Monday...


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