Talented Youths
Today was the talent show, which I was on the committee for. It started off great with the building we reserved being locked, the A/V guy we hired being AWOL (along with our ability to use the lights and the sound system), and several of the performers not showing up. Eventually the campus police let us into the building and turned on the lights, an RA donated his speakers as a makeshift soundsystem, the missing performers were rounded up, and we were able to start the show a mere 45 minutes late. Those of you who know my feelings about the importance of punctuality should appreciate the fact that I am still alive right now, because it was close for a while there. Like last session, most of the acts were piano/violin concertos from kids who have been taking private lessons since they were three, but there was also a few cool ones like a girl who recited pi and break danced (broke danced?) and another who solved a Rubik's cube and then used three of them to spell out "CTY." I spy a future MIT student...
After the talent show we got a special treat: an real live barbecue! Granted it was put on by the same people that make the cafeteria food so it was nothing we haven't already been eating for the past five weeks, but at least it was outside. For some reason your ten millionth hot dog just tastes better when it's eaten under a tree instead of in a big sweaty gym. Don't ask me why.
Happily today is Sunday, so at 7:00 we sent the little heathens off to study hall and had two glorious hours to play Apples to Apples sans whiney teenagers. And even more happily tomorrow is my day off, so I don't have to deal with boy drama or complaining until 7:30 Tuesday morning!
CIMRs: 0
Thought: I'm going to get in the double digits for hours of sleep tonight.
I've noticed a shift in tone. Hang in there, it's almost over! And I think you'll miss it when it is...
Today dad gave me a pair of clamps used to tie off fallopian tubes. I'm making earrings!
Oooooooooooooh! So I was supposed to leave a comment that was relative to your post!
I break all the rules!
Jeez,no pictures? You are wearing out,girl!
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