Nerd Camp

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Second First Day

My new kids are here and I am...apprehensive. Last session my girls were 12-14 and mostly first time CTYers, this session they're 14-16 and most have been here 3 or 4 times before. Basically, they're cooler than me and I don't know how I'm going to relate to them. To illustrate my concerns, here is a little compare and contrast list of what happened with my girls today versus what happened with my girls the first day of last session:

After Returning from Five Hours of Unloading Luggage

Last Session: My girls are all in one room hanging out and getting to know each other.
This Session: The girls are all in their rooms with the doors shut listening to their iPods.

"Fun Facts" Given During Initial Icebreaker

Last Session: "I'm from Korea and this is my first time in America." "One time I met Tom Cruise!" "I speak fluent Swedish."

This Session: "I just got my driver's license, but the guy took off 5 points because I drove too fast." "In my free time I like to work out at the country club." "Sometimes I forget I'm Asian, because I act so white."

Dinner Conversation

Last Session: "My favorite class is..." "My little sister..." "I like to read..."
This Session: "I can't eat this food. It isn't organic."

Girls' Response When I Walked Onstage for the Lanyard Skit

Last Session: Screaming, whistling and clapping
This Session: Silence

After the First Hall Meeting Ended

Last Session: The girls stayed in the room and hung out with me until lights out
This Session: One girl asked "Can we go now?" and when I said yes they all immediately went back to their rooms and closed their doors again

I don't mean to be totally pessimistic, and actually the two girls who are in Introduction to Engineering (the rest are in Neuroscience and one is Math) seem really sweet, but I get the feeling that these coming three weeks are going to be very different from the last three.

CIMRs: 1
Thought: When I told one of my girls I go to MIT, she responded "But you're not Asian!" What do you even say to that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you know how I feel sometimes about the whole gaining autonomy thing. It's gratifying and sad/alienating at the same time.

You don't have history with newbies to appreciate their growth, but would you really wan't them acting like a bunch of 12yr olds? Maybe their independance will create less stress. Good luck.

6:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember being 14-16. I was an asshole too. Sounds like you should handle this however you think is best... if you still want to be the "cool RA," maybe being energetic and exciting isn't the way to go. You could give them their space and let them think they're the bees' knees. Or you could go the other way and do whatever comes naturally; be fun and wacky and spontaneous and maybe they'll turn around. Maybe they'll think you're a freak. But then, maybe they'd think that no matter what you do.

I'd just try to make it a good experience for whoever is actually interested in having a good time. Not that I know so much about how to do that.

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

8:17 PM  

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