Nerd Camp

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Olympics!

So after I went to bed last night I was awoken by shrieks of hysterical laughter from the sleepover room. I don't really care if the girls stay up past lights out on the weekends because I think sleepovers should involve as little actual sleep as possible, but I thought I should check out what they were up to and make sure everything was cool. I entered the room to find that they had cleared a circle in its center and filled it with an elaborate pattern of various types of candy. They explained that the Starbursts were them and the boys they liked, the Jolly Ranchers were the RAs, and the Tootsie Rolls were "all those other kids we don't know," and that they were working out all the possible situations that could arise at the next dance and how to handle each one such that they still ended up dancing with the boys they wanted. Amazing! Although it was a lot less adorable when I noticed the two Jolly Ranchers on top of each other off to the side and didn't even have to ask who they were...

Today's afternoon activity was The Olympics. The kids were divided into teams (my girls were Ghana) and went from station to station competing in relay races, balloon tosses, tug of wars, and other equally exciting events. I got lucky and was assigned to water duty, so instead of having to stand in the blistering heat and run a station all day I got to wander around and spritz the kids with water. It was really fun, since the kids acted like I was the ice cream man or something else awesome whenever they saw me and my water-spritzer approaching. My girls didn't win (damn South Korea!) but they had a great time, so I'm proud of them anyway. Apparently there was almost a blowout at the beginning when a team composed entirely of Korean and Chinese students was assigned to be Japan, but they were reassigned to Sweden and crisis was averted.

After the Olympics I had my first (dun dun dun...dramatic music) Crying Girl. My Favorite came to my room right before dinner to let me know that one of the girls was in her room crying. I went to investigate and found that not only was she in her room crying, but she was under her bed and in the fetal position crying. We had a nice long talk and everything seems to be back to normal now, I think all the kids were kind of strung-out from the exhaustion of the weekend and so emotions were running a little high, but after a good night's sleep they should be back to their regular mellow selves.

I had a ton of fun with my girls this weekend, but by the time study hall came around I was definitely ready for some "grownup time" (since apparently I'm a grownup now). I went with a group of RAs to a nice sushi restaurant, and we enjoyed two glorious hours of being in a room free of adolescents and eating food that wasn't pizza or mystery meat. It was incredibly relaxing, and we even took our lanyards off!

Also, today one of my girls asked me if you can have sex before you're sixteen. This job is amazing.

CIMRs today: 2
Thought of the day: I'm getting a brass rat tan. That must mean I'm really...something.


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