Nerd Camp

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Delicious brains!

I visited my neuroscience girls in class today because they were dissecting sheep brains and I was totally psyched about it. It was super awesome, and I was really proud of myself because I was actually able to answer the questions the kids were asking and help out the TA. And during the middle of the lab, a CNN camera crew showed up! Apparently they're doing a story on CTY and wanted some footage of the kids being smart, and thought sheep brains would be a good place to start. I'll let you know if I hear anything about when the story will air...

I didn't realize this before, but the girls are using the same introductory neuroscience text book that 9.01 uses. I told them that the author was my professor last year, and they thought I was just about the coolest person ever. A couple even asked if I could get his autograph for them! I love my little nerdlets.

So, when I'm on scheduled presence I like to make small talk with the kids as they walk by. At the end of one such mini-conversation with a male student leaving the cafeteria today, he asked "Will you be here tomorrow?" I said that I'd be in a different spot and he left, but then he came back five minutes later and asked if he could "keep me company" for the rest of my shift. He then sat down and started asking me all about my day and my week and my job, and actually stayed there for the remaining fifteen minutes. When my replacement arrived and I bid my new friend farewell, he said, "So, where will you be stationed for breakfast tomorrow?" Somehow I knew this would happen...

Sheep brains and young nerd love weren't the only thing that made today awesome. I think the camp has finally settled into a routine, and the kids have had two days of sun to run around outside and burn their excess energy. Best of all, my girls and I are starting to really bond. Today when I left my room door open to go to the bathroom, I came back to find they had left candy on my desk. And when I put a white board on my door for them to write down any questions or suggestions they had for me, they covered it with "Caroline is the coolest RA ever!" and "I love Caroline!" A few of them had been complaining about not getting any mail, so when they were at study hall I made them all "postcards" with little notes on them and left them on their doors. When they got back they were so excited, and all it took was some construction paper and markers. Talk about a gratifying job!

CIMRs today: 2
Thought of the day: I have the best girls at CTY!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should sneak them sparklers for the 4th. Then you really would be the coolest RA ever. Unless, I guess, they're already planning on giving them sparkly things for the holiday. But I assumed that they wouldn't, because they seem like tight-asses.

11:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better yet, sneak in some boys and booze. THAT would make you the coolest RA ever.


5:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Confucious says "Since they are nerdlings, give them a chemistry set and a worm farm. That is the path to true popularity"

Prince Mishkin

5:30 PM  

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